Local Footpaths

Click on this link to see a map showing the footpaths around Sandbach

Circular Walks Near Sandbach

As well as the map showing all the footpaths local to Sandbach, we have also written instructions for completing some of them as a circular walk. The instructions below include step by step guidance with a map to complete the picture. Click on the title to see the walk description.
If you enjoy these walks and you want to make a small donation to Sandbach Footpath group we suggest £5  for a year (Oct to Oct).
Donations go towards projects such as more Kissing Gates. Bank A/C details:
Sort code: 30 12 59  A/C No. 18742868
A/C name: The Sandbach Footpath Group

Sandbach Circular Walks – Overview (Note the walks from Winterley now have extra stiles at Moss Cottage).

  1. St Johns and Arclid Quarry Walk 4miles
  2. Daisy Bank 3.5 miles
  3. Jacobs Ladder 3 miles, NO STILE
  4. River Wheelock 3.5 miles
  5. Tall Chimneys from Malkins Bank 5 miles
  6. Brook Wood only 1 mile, NO STILE
  7. Brook Wood and Houndings Lane 4.5 miles, NO STILE
  8. Elworth and Wood Lane 1.8 miles
  9. Sandbach History and Greens 3.5 miles, NO STILE
  10. Solar System & Borrow Pit Meadows 4.3 miles, NO STILE
  11. Sandbach Heath and Arclid Airfield 4.2 miles
  12. Hollins Green via Albion Lock 4.4miles
  13. Rode Heath Ramble, 4.9 miles B, NO STILE
  14. Betchton Valley long, 10.5 miles B
  15. Brook Wood & Tall Chimneys 4miles NO STILE
  16. Winterley and Hall o’the Heath, 4 miles B, NOW 5 stiles
  17. Winterley & Golf Course NO STILE, 5.5 miles B, NOW 3 stiles
  18. Wheelock Rail Trail & Canal 3 to 4 miles NO STILE
  19. Bradwall Manor 3.5 miles NO STILE
  20. Secret Salt Line walk, 6.3 miles, NO STILE
  21. Arclid Cottage Farm from Sandbach Heath
  22. Warmingham & The Moat 3.5miles 17stiles
  23. Winterley Figure of 8, NO STILE, 4 miles, NOW 3 stiles
  24. Winterley & Hassall, NO STILE, 4.5 miles, NOW 3 stiles
  25. Betchton Heath, 6 stiles, 5 miles
  26. Brereton & Taxmere, 10 stiles 7 miles
  27. Warmingham lanes. Options: No stile (minimum mud), 2 stiles or 4 stiles, 4.5 miles
  28. Wheelock Rail Trail & River, NO STILE, 5 miles
  29. Watch Lane & Crabmill Flashes, 3.5 miles, 13 Stiles
  30. SFG Houndings Lane, Dingle and Brook Woods, NO STILE mobile friendly
  31. SFG Moston Figure of 8 walk, NO STILE 3.2 miles
  32. Hassall Pool, 1 stile, 4.5 miles